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Showing posts from July, 2020

Five things people notice about you!

"First impression is the last impression" they say. Hmmmn, while I do not agree with this one hundred percent, to some extent it is.  You meet and interact with different people everyday. Sometimes, you easily connect with someone you are meeting for the first time  and it feels like you've known each other for ages. However, that is not always the case.   Have you ever caught someone staring at you for more than normal? Does it tickle your fancy?  People stare at YOU for so many reasons. I have carefully penned down, FIVE picked out reasons people are staring at you. Stay with me as we check them out. The number one on my list is 'the shape of your head' 😄 I'm so sorry, that wasn't funny was it? Who stares at someone else's head anyways? Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm not but I'm not here to talk about the shape of our heads. Might as well discuss this later. Keep your fingers crossed.😁 Do people stare at you admirab...

Welcome to my Blog.

Hello guys, My name is Sarah Ajiri Ikogba. I'm from delta state, southern Nigeria. This is my first blog so you can call me a newbie😄 I've  always enjoyed writing especially short stories. My friends do tell me I have a very creative and imaginative mind. I started writing stories in primary two. My Dad used to write short stories too, I would read some of his works and rewrite them into my own book although I'd change the names of the characters. It became a habit until I started writing stories on my own. As a blogger I will like to address some life issues in story form and document some of my thoughts. The major reason why I'm blogging is because I enjoy writing and getting people to read what I've written gives me great pleasure. AjiriSays is all about the thoughts of the 21st century young adult. I'll be posting about facts, misconceptions, fears, dreams, short stories, the-whys and so much more about  us. The average young adults to...