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Five things people notice about you!

"First impression is the last impression" they say. Hmmmn, while I do not agree with this one hundred percent, to some extent it is. You meet and interact with different people everyday. Sometimes, you easily connect with someone you are meeting for the first time  and it feels like you've known each other for ages. However, that is not always the case.  
Have you ever caught someone staring at you for more than normal? Does it tickle your fancy? 

People stare at YOU for so many reasons. I have carefully penned down, FIVE picked out reasons people are staring at you. Stay with me as we check them out.

The number one on my list is 'the shape of your head' 😄 I'm so sorry, that wasn't funny was it? Who stares at someone else's head anyways? Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm not but I'm not here to talk about the shape of our heads. Might as well discuss this later. Keep your fingers crossed.😁

Do people stare at you admirably or otherwise? I get both and sometimes it's discomforting. Stop staring at me already. Please?

First on my list of 'things people notice about you.'

1. Your facial Expression. 

Picture this, you're lost in a new town. Who do you ask for help? I never ask that baldy man frowning and staring into space. I don't ask the uneasy woman clutching her bag glancing side by side, not even that handsome guy waiting for the bus(this isn't true) and I definitely don't ask anyone grimacing or scowling intensely.

My point is, you automatically search for a smiling, calm facial expression. Someone whose body language is welcoming, at least you know you won't get a disgusting reply or a sarcastic one. Your facial expression is like a sign over your head, it screams attention. Guys normally don't approach hard faced girls except he drinks 'over confidence' as tea for breakfast every morning. 

Your facial expression can either make you or break you. Turned down eyebrows and lips pass the signal that you're angry. We can't help but judge people before getting to know them. Sometimes we say things like "that's how my face is" that isn't how your face should be. Smile more often and you'll be amazed how it'll bring you so many beautiful relationships. 

Smile more often and maybe those girls would stop referring to you as  proud and snubby, smile more often and maybe they'll stop thinking you're a thief at first glance😂

2. Facial Features.

 I do this all the time, sometimes even before noticing what they're wearing if they're at a closer range. Some of the few things people notice about your facial features are your eyes, are they beady, small or large, spaced or close?

Is your face narrow, wide, do you have a large forehead, healthy or pale facial skin tone? Glass lines(oh, he wears glasses), frown lines(this dude must be really depressed) or laugh wrinkles(aww, I bet she's such a sweetheart)Baby face? 

It's said that one can tell your approximate age by just looking at your face. This can be true to some extent but i don't fully agree with that. You can't tell just by the face of a person, other attributes need to be added, like your stature, the way you speak which reflects your maturity level and even dressing (appearance).

Also, we are prone to stare/notice other people if they look familiar. So for the guys, next time you catch a guy staring at you, it could be because you look so much like his younger brother or a classmate, don't get nervous unless he stares more than five seconds, Run!😄

3. Walking step and physique

I'll try to make this one brief. People notice how you walk and position your body. A person can tell if you're lazy, energetic, sluggish, your level of confidence and even mood by the way you walk. 

When they spot you from afar, they can judge by your body built and posture if you're one of those things. My Sister always tells me to sit and stand upright. I have a habit of swaying my body to the right when walking and she says it gives me a funny look. I didn't take it seriously until I went to school and people started pointing it and trust me I've been working on it. Some people say they can tell your kind of person by just watching you walk. Wow. Just by my walk? Yes.

As young adults, girls are likely to catwalk. You don't have to walk like a certain person but you can make an improvement. We should avoid slouching for example. Working out can also improve our posture.

4. Hygiene: 

You can't tell 100% at first glance but a few things can tell you if someone takes their hygiene seriously. 

I lived in the school hostel during my first and second semester in the university. My roommates and I would watch how other girls kept their stufs recklessly, mess up the walkway, sometimes the bathroom and toilets. Yet when we saw this same girls outside you could never tell what they looked like inside the four walls of the hostel, with designer clothes, shoes and bags. "Na the same girl be dis" ? We ask.

Based on hygiene, the first thing people notice about a guy is his hair and facial hair, no doubt. For the beardless gang, no offense, please take the back seat. Haha

Yea, no one wants to be looking like this guy, right?

You can immediately tell from a guys beards if he takes good care of himself. Do they look trimmed or  bushy like the great Osama's? Well, some persons prefer the latter. Nevertheless, as a young adult looking sharp and neat should be your utmost goal. No one wants to know if you're emulating an artiste or a public figure. If you're going for an interview it's advisable to line your facial hairs. Even if you want to grow your beards, it doesn't have to be unkempt.

It's surprising what a simple shave can do.

The ladies, our hair says alot about us. These days wigs and extensions have made things a whole lot better still don't be deceived, people notice your hair. People notice the length, colour, texture of your hair. So, it's always advisable to take care of your hair. There's a saying, if your hair is beautiful you just need clothing to compliment it. Your hair first. 

-Fingernails and toe nails.

They also say alot about you. No one wants to see dirty nails peeking out from your fine sandals or when stretching out your hands for a handshake.

Some people find bare and clean nails attractive on ladies why some prefer the artificial coloured nails. This is a point that no two persons are the same. Still on hygiene, I'm focusing on your natural nails. Manicure and pedicure should be every girls best friend. You see that chipped remaining stain of nail polish on your nails, no one likes seeing that.

This is exactly what I mean.

It's better to take them off, recoat it or better still get a new one done. 

-Your smell.

Yep, they notice your smell. The kind of deodorant and perfume you use. I have this friend, we always tease her on how she should bath with the body spray instead. Your oral hygiene too is included.  

It's always advisable to get a mouthwash and a long lasting body spray or perfume because sometimes we spend a lot of hours outdoors and the cheap ones fade off with time. Also, try brushing your teeth twice a day. The prescribed areas to concentrate on when applying a body spray or perfume are where you have a pulse. 
For example, your inner wrists, base of the throat, behind your earlobes, inner elbows, armpit, cleavage, behind knees.

Shaving of underarms should be mandatory. You shouldn't only do it when you want to wear a sleeveless clothing. It should be cultivated as a habit because trust me, people notice that too.

-Your skin.

 People notice your skin. My advice is eat healthy for a healthy skin. Avoid cosmetics that aren't good for you. What works for John might not work for Peter. Drink lots of water(note to self) your skin can tell people if you're heatthy or not. Take your personal hygiene very serious. 

5. Mannerism, behavior, character. 

In a gathering, there are always three sets of persons. The introverts (quiet and reserved) the extroverts(the loud) and the ones in between. Even without talking to you, people notice your level of confidence, they sometimes try to rate it by your body language, eye contact, how you carry yourself. Your vocabulary is also noticed. People gauge what comes out from your mouth. 

On a cool school evening, my friends and I strolled to get noodles from a stand close to our hostel. There was this cute, fair skinned, handsome guy sitting down and waiting for his package. It was so obvious that majority of the girls were already crushing. He just sat there saying nothing. We pinched our selves a couple of times giggling (typical girls) not until he opened his mouth and spoke. Oh no! He made use of so many slangs, his choice of words were horrible and he had this offensive drag in his voice. Immediately the environment changed. We laughed about it later. How could someone break so many hearts under few seconds all because of a few words?

Biting of lips, fumbling of hands, hands in the back or rubbing together most times displays some level of discomfort. 
Most young adults think cussing is cool. It isn't. Sometimes we do it unintentionally when something goes wrong and it's understandable. Although it isn't advisable to cuss in public, it puts you in a wrong place. 

As much as we can't change some things about ourselves like our facial features, some things can be intentionally corrected. Consciously try working on your facial expression, walking step(if there's need for it), hygiene and how we act. 
Our appearance matters a lot and as young adults, we should always try to be the best of ourselves. 

Kindly mention other things in the comment section you notice or you think people notice about you. Thank you for reading my lenghty piece.
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Aj loves you💕


  1. Just so you know...i stare at you because of the shape of your head😂😂😂😂.

    1. 😂😂😂😂 Thank you unknown person.

  2. I loved every bit. You put so much work into this. I'm so glad for this.
    Can't wait till next week already.

    This spoke to me in so many ways. 😭. Thank you really.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. If i get a stare for 5 seconds I won't forget to run lol...thanks Aj

  5. Well said.. will try to smile more

    1. Smiling is beautiful. Yes, you should. Thanks dear.

  6. Loved the article ,can't wait for next week .Good job!

  7. This is so informative! I pray for more grace and wisdom to enlighten the world. You are blessed.😊

  8. Wow🤗
    so true, real and essential.
    Sarah keeps the fire burning🔥
    But people get to notice the shape of my head first 😭

    1. Hahahaha... That's a good thing then. Thanks dear.

  9. This is very informative. Thanks dear.

  10. I notice all especially facial features. Nicely written Aj. Kudos!

  11. This is really nice...expecting more from you


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