Hello! Hello! Hello!!! Guess who's back with the relationship talk? Yep, moi. I've been itching to write about this topic(Types of people you should never get into a relationship with) for a while now. What I'll be listing down shortly are what we call "Red flags." What exactly are red flags? Red flags can be seen as a cue, warning, alert; a sign or signal that something is wrong. In reality, red flags are something to not be taken lightly because if you ignore them you'll regret later. Most times people kid themselves by saying stuffs like 'if you love someone these won't matter because they're just flaws and would probably fade after a while', these are lies, illusions they tell themselves maybe because they're scared of admiting the relationship is toxic. In a world where we can't read the minds of others, it's often times hard to predict or know what someone else thinks/feels about us. As humans we are curious to know certain t...